Collection to install and configure [Keycloak]( or [Red Hat Single Sign-On](
<!--start requires_ansible-->
## Ansible version compatibility
This collection has been tested against following Ansible versions: **>=2.9.10**.
Plugins and modules within a collection may be tested with only specific Ansible versions. A collection may contain metadata that identifies these versions.
The keycloak collection also depends on the following python packages to be present on the controller host:
* netaddr
A requirement file is provided to install:
pip install -r requirements.txt
### Included roles
* [`keycloak`]( role for installing the service.
* [`keycloak_realm`]( role for configuring a realm, user federation(s), clients and users, in an installed service.
This is the default approach when RHN credentials are not defined. Keycloak is downloaded from keycloak builds (hosted on locally, and distributed to target nodes.
#### Install RHSSO from the Red Hat Customer Support Portal
Define the credentials as follows, and the default behaviour is to download a fresh archive of RHSSO on the controller node, then distribute to target nodes.
Making the keycloak zip archive (or the RHSSO zip archive), available to the playbook repository root directory, and setting `keycloak_offline_install` to `True`, allows to skip
the download tasks. The local path for the archive matches the downloaded archive path, so it is also used as a cache when multiple hosts are provisioned in a cluster.
[`playbooks/keycloak_realm.yml`](playbooks/keycloak_realm.yml) creates or updates provided realm, user federation(s), client(s), client role(s) and client user(s).