# {{ ansible_managed }} # Database # Database vendor [dev-file, dev-mem, mariadb, mssql, mysql, oracle, postgres] #db=postgres # The username of the database user. #db-username=keycloak # The password of the database user. #db-password=password # The full database JDBC URL. If not provided, a default URL is set based on the selected database vendor. #db-url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost/keycloak # Observability # If the server should expose metrics and healthcheck endpoints. #metrics-enabled=true # HTTP http-enabled=true http-port=8080 https-port=8443 # The file path to a server certificate or certificate chain in PEM format. #https-certificate-file=${kc.home.dir}conf/server.crt.pem # The file path to a private key in PEM format. #https-certificate-key-file=${kc.home.dir}conf/server.key.pem # The proxy address forwarding mode if the server is behind a reverse proxy. #proxy=reencrypt # Do not attach route to cookies and rely on the session affinity capabilities from reverse proxy #spi-sticky-session-encoder-infinispan-should-attach-route=false # Hostname for the Keycloak server. hostname={{ keycloak_quarkus_host }} hostname-path={{ keycloak_quarkus_http_relative_path }} # Cluster #cache=ispn #Defines the cache mechanism for high-availability. [local, ispn] #cache-config-file=conf/cache-ispn.xml #Defines the file from which cache configuration should be loaded from. #cache-stack=tcp #Define the default stack to use for cluster communication and node discovery. [tcp, udp, kubernetes, ec2, azure, google] # Proxy # The proxy address forwarding mode if the server is behind a reverse proxy. [edge, reencrypt, passthrough] #proxy= # Logging # The format of log entries. #log-format=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p [%c] (%t) %s%e%n # The log level of the root category or a comma-separated list of individual categories and their levels. #log-level=info