updated gem spec

This commit is contained in:
Cameron Crockett 2018-12-16 15:56:58 -06:00
parent 7877c8a75f
commit e0307be166

View File

@ -10,15 +10,6 @@ Gem::Specification.new do |spec|
spec.homepage = "https://github.com/ccrockett/omniauth-keycloak"
spec.license = "MIT"
# Prevent pushing this gem to RubyGems.org. To allow pushes either set the 'allowed_push_host'
# to allow pushing to a single host or delete this section to allow pushing to any host.
if spec.respond_to?(:metadata)
spec.metadata["allowed_push_host"] = "http://gitlab.customcardsystems.com"
raise "RubyGems 2.0 or newer is required to protect against " \
"public gem pushes."
# Specify which files should be added to the gem when it is released.
# The `git ls-files -z` loads the files in the RubyGem that have been added into git.
spec.files = Dir.chdir(File.expand_path('..', __FILE__)) do